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Check Mate helps to learn how to safeguard the participation of pupils with Visual Impairment together with sighted ones. Join this course if you want to get tools and insight on the inclusion of students with and without visual impairment!

Check Mate is course that includes all the research and results from the Check Mate Project. It is an annual project between partners from Greece and Turkey breaking down barriers between countries in conflict through sports. The main target group is inclusive sports clubs and general schools where pupils aged 5-18 with Visual Impairment (VI) are together with sighted ones. Our strategy to safeguard the participation of pupils with VI together with sighted ones, consists of a preparatory 3-months plan. We will update mapping the general schools and inclusive sports clubs where pupils with VI attend together with sighted ones; we will design and produce an educational sports package consisting of innovative deliverables; we will train young mentors and young volunteers to assist the implementation and dissemination events in the school units/ sports clubs and local communities respectively. 
An implementation 6 months - plan will follow to run an academy of parents with VI and their classmates for breaking down any barriers of inclusion; we will implement 20 workshops in 20 schools and inclusive sports clubs of our target group, where pupils aged 5-18 years old attend together with sighted ones, to encourage inclusion in blended teams such as female/ male – sighted/ with VI etc. A final 3 months – plan will finalize the project results with research on evaluation forms and production of a Good Practice publication accompanied by dissemination events. The deliverables will be in English, in all consortium languages, in Braille edition with tactile drawings accessible for the VI. The deliverables have been uploaded in the asynchronous educational learning platform of SALTO, HOP.