All courses
Welcome to HOP
Very little course for everyone interested to get to know HOP and experience some of its features. It allows to enjoy few activities and receive badge in the end. It can be done alone, but it is much funnier to find a buddy and make it together.
HOP! Plan, create and publish your first online course
This self-paced course is for course authors and facilitators, who would like to develop their first online course on the HOP platform. It introduces the basics of course design and leads you through three steps: planning, creating and publishing.
Youthpass Heart Corps - Guiding the Learning Journey
Develop your awareness and competences to support learning processes within European Solidarity Corps projects.
This Online Course is for project organizers, mentors and coaches and other support persons active in the European Solidarity Corps.
Training for mentors
A course for both newcomers and experienced mentors of the European Solidarity Corps Programme who are interested in developing their mentoring and networking competencies. It introduces the attendants to the essentials of mentorship in the European Solidarity Corps Programme as well as to the competences and tools for self-improvement as a mentor.
Rural areas, challenges and solidarity
This self-paced course is for representatives of municipalities from rural areas and representatives of youth organisations who work in such areas and are interested in exploring the opportunities that European Solidarity Corps Programme is bringing to these communities.
Intercultural Competence Training on European Solidarity Corps
This self-paced course is for youth workers, youth trainers, youth project managers, volunteering mentors who are engaged in the European Solidarity Corps Programme and are interested in joining a learning experience that would support them in exploring and developing their intercultural competence.
Solidarity in Balkan Region
This self-paced course is for newcomers or experienced representatives of organizations, youth workers, project managers who are active in the region of Balkans and wish to expand their knowledge and their network through the European Solidarity Corps Programme.
Youth work, national policies and solidarity action in Euro-Mediterranean area
This self-paced course is for all youth practitioners in the youth field who are interested in creating projects in Euro-mediterranean area within the European Solidarity Corps Programme.
Act Locally, Think Globally: How to build a solidarity project
Organised by the Hellenic National Agency of Erasmus + Youth and European Solidarity Corps, the main aim of the course is to train and provide the participants with all required information about European Solidarity Corps and more specifically about Solidarity Projects, in order to be able to design and build quality Solidarity Projects.
European Solidarity Corps for Young Refugees
Are you working with young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in your local community? If yes, you might be interested in joining an online training that will connect youth workers working with YMRA from different countries.
Quality Label, Good Practices Exchange
Do you plan to apply for Quality Label? Do you wish to improve your project management competencies and increase your understanding of Quality? Are you ready to share or exchange good practices about QL? Then this course is for you!
Volunteering Project Management
This is a course that aims to support project managers, volunteer coordinators and organization representatives that implement voluntary projects. It is designed to provide a framework and good practices, so that the quality elements of the projects are improved, learning is better supported and the values of Non Formal Education are fostered.
MOOC on the European Solidarity Corps 2024
Enrol to the course and learn essentials of the European Solidarity Corps, including: :
- how to reach bigger impact with the ESC projects
- how to organise a Volunteering project and how to become a Corps volunteer
- how a youth group can prepare and implement a local Solidarity project
- what are the opportunities of new Humanitarian Aid activity
- how to get ready to apply for the ESC grant, how to acquire Solidarity Corps Quality Label
- what kind of support is available for young people in ESC projects.
Beginners Course for Social Entrepreneurship
Created by 10 countries, across 4 continents, this course is fit for youths that want to start their entrepreneurship journey. Through this course, you will learn from scratch what social entrepreneurship and at the end of the course, you will be able to kick-start your idea into a social business! WELCOME!
Youth@Work 4.0 #DigComp for the Youth Work Sector
This is a training course that aims to empower youth workers and build the capacities for development of digital youth work in organizations.
Spletno usposabljanje Učinek+
Spletno usposabljanje za prijavitelje in upravičence programov Erasmus+: Mladi v akciji in Evropska solidarnostna enota, ki se želijo poglobiti v načrtovanje, spremljanje in merjenje učinkov svojih projektov.
Heartland Szívvel és Lélekkel - az online képzés segít megteremteni a harmóniát, létrehozni a mentális és fizikai egészség alapjait. A képzés olyan feladatokat tartalmaz amely során megtapasztalhatod segítő foglalkozásúként, hogy mik azok a napi tevékenységek ami támogatnak és amik hátráltatnak a munkavégzésed és vele összefonódva a magánéleted területén.
Pelos Caminhos da Resiliência
Quais são "os caminhos da resiliência"? Neste curso online, vamos aprender a usar a Arte, Natureza, Corpo e Psicologia como ferramentas de desenvolvimento da resiliência. Criado pelo Lugar Específico e integrado no projeto europeu Heartland, este curso destina-se a agentes educativos e artistas/criativos (bem como a outros profissionais em risco de esgotamento) que desejem saber mais sobre prevenção de burnout e a adquirir práticas para desenvolver a sua resiliência.
Main goal of the course is to contribute to the resilience building of educators towards future challenges.
Youth+: How to help disadvantaged youth grow in volunteering projects
A course for youth workers to learn how to approach a group of disadvantaged youth, how to involve them, to create their own volunteering project to help a community in need, and how to train, coach, mentor and support them.
Tools for Youth Exchanges - Online Space for Resources
A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content are tools. Tools for Youth Exchanges - Online Space for Resources offers tools, activities and content to participants who attended this training course.
Improv e English: English for international exchanges
This course will provide you with the basic English you need to take part in an international event. The course is part of a strategic project aiming to develop the innovative methodology for English teaching as foreign language based on improvisation theatre and to share it on the online platform.
Talking about war and peace. Facilitating learning in times of crisis
“Talking about war and peace” is a self-paced online course that guides you through a process of reflection and practical activities on how to approach this topic in your work, locally or in transnational events.
Art Escape: create outdoors escape games based on myths and fairy-tales
This course will guide you through the process of creation of an outdoors escape game based on cultural heritage. In four learning modules you will find information and practical assignments to design an escape game outdoors with regards to learning goals and target groups of your organization.
Youth Democracy Academy
Youth Democracy Academy (YDA) is an online course comprised of a set of webinars, toolkits, guidelines, videos and other relevant material that can be used by young people, youth workers, teachers, etc. that want to work on the topic of EU, democracy, critical thinking and combating fake news with young people.
Innovation Tools for Youth Workers and Youth Organisations
An exciting online course that aims to equip youth workers with the competences they need to generate new ideas together with young people and bring innovative solutions to their communities.
Online Services & Tools across Europe
Looking for inspiration for digital youth work practices, tools and platforms? Join this gallery walk through more than 40 various tools aiming at 12 different digital youth work themes and start your digital youth work practice today.
YOU in the moment - Basic mindfulness course for youth workers
FOKUS Kompetenz: Weiterbildung
The Art of Mental Wellness
A course tailored for adult educators, youth workers, and helping professionals. This comprehensive program offers a balanced blend of self-experience and practical guidance, equipping learners to design safe and impactful mental health workshops.
Be the Change - first steps in the social entrepreneurship
Are you a youth worker who would like to introduce the topic of social
entrepreneurship to young people in an inspiring, interactive, and
comprehensive way? Join our open course and get useful knowledge and practical methods!
Body Liberation Seminar
Embark on a
transformative journey on Body Liberation through three enriching modules. Join us and embrace the liberation of
your body and mind!
MentorMe - mentoring young refugees in European youth mobility
MentorMe Course is a self-paced online learning course in English that you can join at any time and which gives you the possibility to learn….
….who is a mobility mentor
….how to become a mentor for young refugees in cross-border voluntary services in Europe
….about national and European cross-border voluntary service programmes for young people
….mentoring soft skills
….other skills, such as cultural mediation, non-formal education, networking and event management that can be helpful for your role as mobility mentor
….where to find supporting material for mentors and mentees
….more about our European mobility mentor network and how to join us!
STEP4 - Sustainable and Social Tools for Employability and Entrepreneurial Planning
The course has the scope of prοving youth workers and educators for tailoring methods and strategies to support the talents and competencies development of young people and the organisations working with youth. The project aims to design and consider sustainable, alternative and digital methodologies and approaches to adapt to the European job market and develop the entrepreneurial and employment competences of our young people through upgraded employability strategies.
Connect & Rise! - Forming National Youth Workers Alliances
Massive open online course Connect & Rise! - Forming National Youth Workers Alliances
Join us for Connect & Rise! free online course, developed on the basis of 142 years of collective experience of 9 National Youth Workers Associations from Malta, Serbia, Italy, North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Estonia and Netherlands.
A unique opportunity to explore and learn from different starting positions and country realities, diverse structures, types and profiles of members, goals and scope of work.
DIGIVOGUI - Vocational Guidance Based on Non Formal Education For Youth Workers
DigiVogui is a dynamic Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) designed to equip youth workers, educators, and professionals with essential skills and strategies for effective vocational guidance. Through ten engaging modules, participants will explore self-knowledge, decision-making, communication, interpersonal relations, and vocational exploration using non-formal education methods. This course empowers learners to foster meaningful career guidance for young people, helping them unlock their full potential.
Training for Trainers in European Solidarity Corps
A long-term training course for trainers in the context of the Training and Evaluation Cycle (TEC) of the European Solidarity Corps. The training is available for the participants already selected and will become available as a self-paced course in December 2024.
Discover Ukraine!
Introductory course to get to know Ukraine and its culture, history, geography, language, cuisine, wildlife and tourist attractions.
Discover Armenia!
Introductory course to get to know Armenia. Dedicated for young people participating in youth projects hosted in Armenia as well as group leaders and project's coordinators, so they can learn more about their partners homeland.
Entrepreneurship for Youth
This course is designed to equip aspiring entrepreneurs, youth workers, and young people with the necessary knowledge and tools to become successful entrepreneurs. With the support of 5 different partners from Europe, this online course on entrepreneurship offers everything that you would need to kick-start your entrepreneurship journey.
Digital Entrepreneurship for Youth
The course "Digital Entrepreneurship for Youth" is designed to provide aspiring young entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the digital business world.
Want to volunteer? Decolonise first!
Are you thinking about volunteering abroad?
Critically explore your reasons for volunteering abroad and start a reflection process so that you can identify colonial legacies in International Voluntary Service and contribute to deconstructing them.
The course intended for potential international volunteers but also youth workers accompanying them in this process or organising international exchange activities.
Youth participation and local youth councils
This is a Massive Open Online Course on the quality of local youth councils. It's meant for stakeholders connected to the framework of local youth councils (young people who are part of the structures or want to become a part, youth workers, local decision makers). It is open to everyone worldwide.
YOUTH in the moment - Basic mindfulness course for youth
This course aims to equip youth with basic mindfulness methods and techniques in order to support their wellbeing and mental health, efficiency and life coaching.
Supporting Youth Positive Mental Health through digitally assisted youth work
Self-paced online course for youth workers and others working with young people on supporting youth Positive Mental Health through digitally assisted youth work.
Fix & Ride / Youth & Commute
Welcome to the FIX & RIDE - Youth& Commute course, specifically designed for European youth workers, social work specialists and non-formal educators, who work with marginalized youth. This comprehensive course aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge, strategies, and resources to effectively engage and empower marginalized youth through the promotion of bicycle urban commuting, fostering a new generation of cyclists.
DIGIVOGUI - Vocational Guidance Based on Non Formal Education For Youngsters
Hi! DIGIVOGUI is a dynamic and engaging online course designed specifically for young individuals eager to discover their strengths, interests, and career opportunities. Through eleven interactive modules, this course will help you explore important topics such as self-awareness, decision-making, communication, and vocational guidance.
With a focus on non-formal education, DIGIVOGUI offers a hands-on learning experience that empowers you to take charge of your personal and professional development. By the end of the course, you’ll have the tools and confidence to make informed decisions about your future career and unlock your true potential.
Start your journey today and explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead!
Achieve Financial Success: A Journey to Financial Freedom
Achieve Financial Success: A Journey to Financial Freedom: a transformative online course designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and tools to master your personal finances and achieve your dreams. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to take control of their financial future, from beginners looking to build a solid foundation to those seeking to refine their financial strategies.
Capacity Boost - Strengthening Youth Workers Associations
Capacity Boost - Strengthening Youth Workers Associations - Free online course for National Youth Workers Associations
“EquALL" goal is to develop competencies of coaches, young volunteers, professors and sports clubs’ managers, as well as athletes with disabilities to embrace empathy by putting themselves in the sports shoes of people with Visual Impairment.