for inspiration for digital youth work practices, tools and platforms? Join this gallery walk through more than 40 various tools aiming at 12
different digital youth work themes and start your digital youth work
practice today.
Youth Work Council Conclusions invite the Member States to “promote
better access for young people, in particular those with fewer
opportunities and those living in rural and remote areas, or where
face-to-face access is not feasible, to youth work services through the
use of digital technologies.” This has proven to be very important in
Covid-19 situation for all young people. Youth work should be prepared
to provide services via digital environments in such circumstances, but
also create offers for day to day local as well as for international
youth work, especially for those who usually have difficulties accessing
these offers (young people with fewer opportunities and special needs)
This course is free, open and accessible at any time - go through it at your own pace.