European Solidarity Corps for Young Refugees

Are you working with young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in your local community? If yes, you might be interested in joining an online training that will connect youth workers working with YMRA from different countries.
This is an online training course about the European Solidarity Corps projects with benefits for Young Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers (YMRA).
To develop the capacity and competences of youth workers who work with young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (YMRA) in order to foster inclusion in local communities through the European Solidarity Corps programme, based on non-formal education.
To exchange information and realities in the different countries of the participants.
To get a deeper understanding of the diversity of this topic.
To deepen understanding of the legal framework and terminology related and relevant in working with YMRA.
To explore the role(s) of a youth worker in the inclusion process of YMRA.
To share good practices, tools, methods on specific topics related to working with YMRA.
To work on the possibilities that ESC offers to inclusive projects.
To exchange ideas on how ESC can contribute through all its aspects to support young refugees.
Youth workers who work with young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
The Hellenic National Agency host this transnational NET Activity funded by European Solidarity Corps.
Cover photo by Matteo Paganelli on Unsplash