Przejdź do głównej zawartości

Did you encounter any difficulties in HOP platform’s performance? Would you like to suggest us changes, so we can improve general experience of users of the HOP? Please share it with us!

Widok listy

Name of the issue:
How important is the issue?:
How urgent is the issue?:
Notifier first name:
Notifier surname:

Name the issue:  it is not self-evidence to deactivate guest enrollements
How important is the issue?  somewhat
How urgent is the issue?  regular

Name the issue:  Inbox is a mess on mobile
How important is the issue?  somewhat
How urgent is the issue?  regular

Name the issue:  Insert video and record video has the same icon
How important is the issue?  very important
How urgent is the issue?  regular

Name the issue:  Information about Confirmation email at login screen not visible
How important is the issue?  very important
How urgent is the issue?  urgent

Name the issue:  Including Videos
How important is the issue?  very important
How urgent is the issue?  regular

Name the issue:  multiple files note visible
How important is the issue?  crucial
How urgent is the issue?  urgent

Name the issue:  Badge description culumn
How important is the issue?  moderate
How urgent is the issue?  regular

Name the issue:  Page header is sticky when user scrolls down the page
How important is the issue?  minor
How urgent is the issue?  can wait

Name the issue:  Page content input field hides behind the page
How important is the issue?  moderate
How urgent is the issue?  regular

Name the issue:  HOP logo covers top navigation menu
How important is the issue?  
How urgent is the issue?  