Training for Trainers in European Solidarity Corps

A long-term training course for trainers in the context of the Training and Evaluation Cycle (TEC) of the European Solidarity Corps. The training is available for the participants already selected and will become available as a self-paced course in December 2024.
The Training and Evaluation Cycle (TEC) is an essential part of the European Solidarity Corps. Among all, the quality of the programme depends on:
- a high quality of the TEC activities (pre-departure preparations, on-arrival trainings, mid-term evaluation meetings, annual events for volunteers and trainings for mentors and organisations - all of these later referred at TEC)
- and on highly competent TEC trainers,
- to develop quality knowledge of the European Solidarity Corps (esp. the focus on solidarity and priorities of the programme);
- to develop trainer competencies to work in the context of the European Solidarity Corps TEC activities;
- to practise trainer competencies in the youth work field (based on the ETS competence model for trainers);
- to network for future collaboration;
24 participants, who are either new / beginning TEC trainers or trainers who want to become (more) involved in the field of European Solidarity Corps training (of coordinators, mentors, volunteers). Approximately half of the participants will be selected from Eastern Partnership countries (and exceptionally from the other neighbouring partner regions) and half from programme countries.
Participants are expected to be motivated and ready to devote time to all elements of the training for trainers (9 days of residential activities, ca. 24 hours of online course learning, ca. 8 hours of online meet-ups and a practice at a residential TEC activity of at least 3 days).
TIMEFRAME in 2024:
- 11th April: deadline for recruitment of participants;
- 19th April: information about the participants' selection;
- 29th April 16:00 CET: 1st online meet-up with participants: onboarding;
- 29th April - 20th May: online asynchronous learning at the HOP platform;
- 10th May 16:00 CET: 2nd online meet-up with participants: following the HOP online learning and getting ready for the residential activity;
- 20-25 May: residential training in Georgia (6 full working days: arrival on 19th May by dinner, departure on 26th May from breakfast);
- June-November: continuation of online asynchronous learning at the HOP platform;
- June-November: practice period at the previously agreed TEC activity organised by a National Agency / regional SALTO or an active ESC organisation;
- 28th June 16:00 CET: 3rd online meet-up with participants: following the HOP online learning and reflection on practice activities;
- July-October: informal, optional online moments for exchange and networking;
- 25th October 16:00 CET: 4th online meet-up with participants: preparation for the final meeting
- 16-19 Nov: residential meeting in Poland (3 full working days: arrival by lunch on 16th Nov and departure after lunch on 19th Nov)
The Training of Trainers consists of 2 residential activities: May 20-25 in Georgia (arrival May 19, departure May 26), and 16-18 November in Poland (arrival by lunch November 16, departure after lunch November 19). The event in Georgia will focus on reflection and practical exercises of principles of non-formal education, intercultural learning, facilitating learning of individuals and group work, designing and evaluating educational programmes, etc. The event in Poland will allow us to summarise experiences of the practice activities, reflect working within trainers teams as well as in various environments, share trainers' inspirations and network for future collaboration. The learning at both events will be framed in the context of priorities of the European Solidarity Corps (inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, environmental protection and sustainable development, participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement, promotion of healthy lifestyles and mental health, innovation). In both events, special focus will be given to solidarity and civic aspects of youth training.
The Training for Trainers consists of 4 online meet-ups with participants, ca. 2 hours each, that will provide participants with the necessary information for following steps as well as offer spaces for discussions and sharing on the topics relevant for youth trainers' competence development. The Training for Trainers is also made of an asynchronous online course of 4 modules at the HOP platform. It will allow participants to be well prepared on the topics mentioned above for the residential activities. Each module, beside its informative elements will have interactive elements, allowing learners to be actively engaged in the learning process. Each module is estimated at 6 hours of learning.
Both kinds of activities: residential and online will focus at developing and reflecting Trainers Competences as defined by the ETS model.
- SALTO EECA (Eastern Europe and Caucasus).
- Polish National Agency of Erasmus + & European Solidarity Corps, FRSE - Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
- German National Agency of Erasmus + Youth & European Solidarity Corps, JUGEND für Europa - Nationale Agentur Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps.