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Develop your awareness and competences to support learning processes within European Solidarity Corps projects.
This Online Course is for project organizers, mentors and coaches and other support persons active in the European Solidarity Corps. 

The background of this course

The European Solidarity Corps is an incredible opportunity for young people to demonstrate solidarity and contribute to their communities. It is also an empowering experience that helps them develop new competences.

Youthpass can help them become more aware of their learning and document the learning outcomes they acquire during their project. In order to make the most of this opportunity, young people might benefit from some support from their mentors, coaches, project organisers.

And as a mentor, coach, project organiser, you might need some guidance on how to make use of Youthpass, too!

At the end of this course, you, as a support person, will understand how the learning journey of a participant in a European Solidarity Corps project unfolds and how the Youthpass can be implemented along the way. You will develop the competences needed for supporting the participants, through self-assessment and reflection.

The course objectives

The course aims to empower and equip support persons active in the Eurpean Solidarity Corps – such as mentors, coaches, youth workers and others – with the information and competences they need to implement the Youthpass process.

Specifically, it aims to
 › reflect on the learning value of the European Solidarity Corps projects;
 › introduce the Youthpass process and how it fits in with the various actions of the European Solidarity Corps programme;
 › discuss how to support reflection on learning in European Solidarity Corps projects;
 › reflect on the competences needed for supporting learning through self-assessment and reflection;
 › offer support for expressing one’s learning outcomes from such projects in words.

The target group

The target groups of this training course are project organisers and support persons within the European Solidarity Corps programme including mentors, coaches, tutors, youth workers as well as young people carrying out a Solidarity Project. Additionally, everyone who is interested in supporting learning processes is welcome to join and explore the resources available.

The structure of the course

The course is composed of the following nine modules:

1. Getting Started… Overview and Introduction to the Course
2. European Solidarity Corps as a Learning Experience
3. Youthpass and the European Solidarity Corps
4. The landscape: Who is Involved in Supporting Learning and Youthpass
5. Getting Started with Supporting Learning
6. Keeping Track of Learning
7. Writing it Down! Supporting Learners in Writing Their Self-assessment
8. Getting it Done: How to use the Youthpass Website
9. Summing-up and Looking Ahead

The methodology of the course

Each module is structured into several chapters offering different content. Participants learn through videos, texts, practical exercises and reflections. 

The course is self-paced. Participants may go through the modules and chapters on their own pace. 

Each module will require 2-3 hours to complete the activities.    

Register/enrol in this course

Self-enrolment at the top of this page


Course authors/facilitators: Anita Silva, Michael Kimmig
Course providers: SALTO Training & Cooperation Resource Centre, in cooperation with JUGEND für Europa (National Agency - Germany). The course was created with the support of Anefore (National Agency - Luxembourg) and Agência Nacional para a gestão do programa Juventude em Acção (National Agency - Portugal).
Course duration: self-paced (approx. 2-3 hours / module, nine course modules)
Course language: English
Target group: Project organisers and facilitators of learning in the European Solidarity Corps programme including youth workers, mentors, coaches and trainers as well as young people carrying out Solidarity projects
Requirements: none 
Learning recognition: Youthpass Certificate
Last update: 30.09.2022

Logos 2nd Edition