This is a hands-on training of trainers on how to create and deliver online training and learning.
To get participants familiarized with the ‘HOP’ Online Learning Platform.
To advance participants’ educational practice towards more efficiency and effectiveness in online training delivery
To familiarize participants with useful digital tools.
To enhance participants understanding of the advantages and
disadvantages of online training delivery and how to best use those in
their practice
To offer space for sharing of good practices and networking
To enable development of up-to-date approaches to training
delivery, related, among others, to better inclusion of young people in
online learning processes.
To inspire the development of online training methods in view of further use in future projects.
The main content of the course will be available within the SALTO's 'HOP online learning platform'.
However, 4 'ZOOM' ('What is ZOOM?') online meetings have been planned, lasting 1,5 hours each.