Featured courses
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- 🇺🇦 Discover Ukraine!
Introductory course to get to know Ukraine, its culture, history, geography, language, cuisine, wildlife and tourist attractions.
Neighbouring countries - Youthpass Heart Corps
Develop awareness and competences to support learning within the Solidarity Corps.
European Solidarity Corps - Intercultural Competence Training
Explore and improve intercultural competence in the European Solidarity Corps.
European Solidarity Corps - Plan, create and publish
A course for National Agencies and their trainers on developing first online course.
HOP academy
- Training for mentors
Mentoring and networking competencies that every mentor needs.
European Solidarity Corps - Solidarity in Balkan Region
Explore solidarity in the Balkans and build new partnerships for volunteering projects.
European Solidarity Corps - European Solidarity Corps for Young Refugees
Develop capacity and competences to work with young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
European Solidarity Corps - Youth@Work 4.0 #DigComp
Empowerment to youth workers to build capacities for development of digital youth work in their organizations.
Youth workers competences

Community of online learners in Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps.

User friendly and intuitive for learners from different fields of European youth work.

Diversity of possibilities how to deliver content for online courses’ authors and facilitators.